
New Research Shows Poor Sleep Leads to Chronic Mental Health Issues
sleep, sleep deprivation, poor sleep, Vitamin D, melatonin, night, mental health, circadian rhythm, supplements, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, Tourette’s, bipolar, Alzheimer’s, research, study, link

Bad sleep can turn you into a grumpier, less productive, somewhat dishevelled version of yourself.  Nothing that a double espresso won’t fix, right? Perhaps not. The extent sleep’s role plays in our functionality could be much more significant than previously thought. Recent research suggests that constantly disrupted sleep may trigger a range of serious mental […]

Treat the torture of sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation has been used throughout history as a form of torture and for good reason, the effects of drowsiness on a person’s health, mind and cognitive ability are debilitating. While sleep torture may officially be a thing of the dark ages millions of people are still being haunted by a good night sleep. In […]

Sleep quality and the case for melatonin
melatonin, sleep

Increasingly sleep deprivation is being recognised by health professionals as having a significant impact on a person’s health. Matthew Walker, director at University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Human Sleep Science links sleep deprivation to a range of serious health issues¹ including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, and poor mental health. He describes the implications of […]